I can decide with no extra support

I can decide with no extra support

I can decide with no extra support Decision-making supports in this level are helpful if you have the ability to make your own decisions with little to no help. To use the resources listed below, you must have the capacity to make your own decisions. You may get some...
I need support with my decision

I need support with my decision

I need support with my decision Resources on this page are designed for people who can make some but not all decisions on their own. For example, you may make all of your own decisions except someone else makes the final decision about money. Below are resources that...

Supported Decision-Making (SDM)

Supported Decision-Making (SDM) What is it? Supported decision-making (SDM) applies to all types of decision-making. SDM supports people to understand and make decisions about their lives. A youth using SDM selects trusted advisors such as family members, friends, or...


Guardianship What is it? Parents are legally responsible for all decisions for their children until the child turns 18. A court can appoint a person to be a child’s...